A hegedű
Hegedűhegedu.lap.hu/9-99hu17041567532005-11-27 13:45:422005-11-30 14:52:292024-01-02 01:52:33Varga Zoltánlapcsoport.szerkeszto@gmail.comVarga Zoltánlapcsoport.szerkeszto@gmail.comVarga Zoltánlapcsoport.szerkeszto@gmail.comCentral Médiacsoport Zrt.http://centralmediacsoport.hu/centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2005Linkek a témában:
Accompaniments for violinists
Practical accompaniment for violinists. Music notation following the music. Smooth slowing down and speeding up the tempo. Possibility to practice any selected fragment of the tracks.
Sonatas for violin accompaniment
Piano accompaniments of varying difficulty. Score synchronized with the music. Smooth slowing down or speeding up. The ability to practice any part of a song without having to play the whole thing
A hegedűről...
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